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Country (long form) Republic of the Marshall Islands
Capital Majuro
Total Area 70.00 sq mi
181.30 sq km
(about the size of Washington, DC)
Population 70,822 (July 2001 est.)
Estimated Population in 2050  347893
Languages English (universally spoken and is the official language), two major Marshallese dialects from the Malayo-Polynesian family, Japanese
Literacy 93.0% total, 100.0% male, 88% female (1980 est.)
Religions Christian (mostly Protestant)
Life Expectancy 64.04 male, 67.73 female (2001 est.)
Government Type constitutional government in free association with the US; the Compact of Free Association entered into force 21 October 1986
Currency 1 United States dollar (US$) = 100 cents
GDP (per capita) $1,670 (1998 est.)
Industry copra, fish, tourism, craft items from shell, wood, and pearls, offshore banking (embryonic)
Agriculture coconuts, tomatoes, melons, cacao, taro, breadfruit, fruits; pigs, chickens
Arable Land 0%
Natural Resources phosphate deposits, marine products, deep seabed minerals


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Federated States of Micronesia
North Pacific Ocean

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